God is working!

Just got back from a book study with some new friends from a new church. They are so cool! And they are all in a very similar position that I am! At home after graduating, figuring life out. And GOD IS WORKING! I reconnected with a family I knew back in grade school, and have heard all about what the Lord is doing in their lives, changing hearts and circumstances. And I am so inspired by their attitude about if other people look at them as weird--they don't care! Many people look at me and think I'm weird for what I do--go to church, play worship songs on the guitar, read my bible, listen to K-Love, talk about Jesus. But we are only to please God, not others. We are to serve God, and if that makes us weird, so be it! Hallelujah! And at the book study one of the girls said it was just a few weeks ago when she learned the Truth about Jesus, that He is the Savior we need to fix this broken world. I was SO HAPPY! Praise God! She is a young believer and is just so animated and beautiful. I love the Lord!

Also, we all talked about how we treat our families (parents) poorly, and how convicted and terrible we feel about this. It is hard to move back home after college and get used to living with parents while trying to be an adult. One of the girls coined the term "tudey" to describe the attiTUDE that she has sometimes with her mom. And she talked about another woman at the church who has little bitties who say something naughty and in reply she says, "Let's try that again." And then they know that they need to change their attitude, so they rephrase their statement in a nice way. I need to tell my mom to do that for me...even at 23 :) I can be very tudey at times. I hate it. Pray God brings me out of this and I respect people better!

On my car ride home from the study, I laughed for joy! I just laughed to myself and the radio about how this evening was so inspiring and beautiful and how God is so good I just can't believe it. I love Him so much. Dangit He is just.....wow I mean He works in the night. He is always there. He works everything out for the good of those who love Him. When I look back at the little things that He orchestrated...even to lead me to this church and connect with these people who I knew a long time ago and connect me with others who are so inspiring and beautiful to me. He is SO GOOD. I am SO HAPPY. LOVE HIM. Thanks for reading :)


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