The Way You Wear Your Hat...

How many times have I started writing this post? Many. I want to make it good. I want to let you know how much my heart sang today. (Side note: I originally spelled “sang” like “sand.” Nothing was sanded by my heart today.) My heart is soft and mushy and content, because God gave me a precious afternoon of contentment.

It started while daydreaming about my future husband.  I do this quite all the time, and I’m really just wanting to meet him already. But the beauty of contentment came when God gave me the reminder that even husbands can be taken away. Everything in this life can be taken away. Our possessions, jobs, husbands, children, lives, cars, money, anything we put our trust and contentment in. But hallelujah that Jesus never leaves us! I just got so happy thinking about this. Before I met Jesus, I put my hope and trust in the husband I would have some day. It’s always been a dream of mine to love a man and raise beautiful children (I have lists of baby names from fifth grade). This is still a desire planted deep in my heart, but even more than this is a yearning to live a life for Jesus, filled with Jesus, serving Him, knowing Him, finding joy in Him. And to top it off—He can’t be taken away from me! (Hence the title:

Until you know this contentment found in Jesus Christ alone, you are yearning. You will always yearn for something. For your missing piece. Jesus, man oh man, you are my missing piece.

And so, this contentment I felt this morning drifted with me throughout the day. While babysitting one of God’s precious little ones, I saw the gifts. Her smile, the way she says the letter “S.” Digging through the dirt for treasures. The sun. The wind. Blowing dandelions and wiping seeds off faces. Pretending to be robots. The way she tells me, “pretend you’re a puppy and you come to my house and I say your mom and dad are sick and then you get sad.”

Too often with little ones in my babysitting care, I watch the clock, waiting to get back to my life. But today, God gave me contentment in every present moment. Even now, as I recall the day, think back on a wonderful Life Group with beautiful women from church, think on how it appears God has a job ready for me, and remember the contentment He put in my heart, I’m loving this moment. Typing away on my bed with the fluffy comforter that I will soon wrap around me to fall asleep. I am happy.

Praising Jesus for a contented heart. 


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