
I am so thankful.
I woke up this morning angry and annoyed. Work, tired, running around, blah.
And I don't like feeling that way.
So I decided to list out anything I could think of to be thankful for. Waking up, breakfast, coffee, Saturday's, my mom asking me questions, birds, God, life.

And I had a moment this afternoon when I caught myself getting annoyed at being single. Then I thanked God for where I'm at, and decided I'm going to love where I'm it. And I was full of thanks.

And this evening I went to a women's event put on by my church, and line-danced, and talked with a fabulous woman of God whom I definitely admire. Almost didn't go. So thankful I did.

Feeling grateful and loving and thankful for where I am at. Every day, I will give thanks.

The randoms I'm thankful for this very moment: the feeling of "tired." That half-eaten banana on the counter top  A clean kitchen. Realizing a little dent in my character God has corrected regarding my attitude toward helping out around the house. Excited for bedtime. Grateful for tomorrow. I got compliments on the necklace I wore tonight. Two tomatillos in a bowl waiting to be used. Mostly, this moment. The tired I feel that will be relieved by sleep.

Thank. I thank Him. I thank You Father for Your wondrous gifts.

"Do not be deceived my dear brothers; every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1


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