Fill Me Up Lord

Today, I run around. Jazzed to have a list of chores, errands, things to do. And I get them done, but still empty. I walk to the laundry room to grab something, and feel God whisper,

"You will never be satisfied until you learn to be satisfied in me."

Dwelling on this today. I will never be satisfied with anything until I am satisfied in God. He doesn't ask me to  complete a honey-do list. He just asks for me. He doesn't count us worthy based on our actions. He loves me for me. He doesn't love as the world loves. He loves me unconditionally, despite faults, failures, blemishes. I am counted righteous in His eyes because Jesus died for me.

I dwell on these facts, these promises, the words of God himself. He is the almighty, He cannot be wrong. He loves us because He does, and that's all there is to it. I need these reminders daily. Praise Him.


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